
I had a realization this week. 

Stroke recovery is a lot like getting sober, something I did a long time ago.  I have to get to meetings, meet new people/friends, figure out what I can do with my time, learn how to have fun with my new body, and I have to eat, sleep and shower regularly. 

As we say in the program.  “it’s as simple and as complicated as that”. 

I’m not sure if it will take me the same amount of time to fully grasp my new self, I was fifteen years sober when I fully understood the program and started seeing the promises come true.  Will it take that long? 

I’m grateful for the tools of AA, it keeps me going, keeps me grounded.  I know, God won’t give me any more than I can handle –I just wish he wouldn’t trust me so much! 

I have a very complicated relationship with God, one day I will write about it.  In the meantime, I trust he has my back, I’m moving in the right direction and I will get through this, it may not be pretty, but I will get through this.


  1. Just think what a blessing it is that you ARE sober going through this – one day at a time, one foot in front of the other, just do what is in front of you – all that still applies to us all. Thank you so much for sharing yourself in this forum. With lots of love xoxoxo

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