
Is it too much, for someone with right-sided neglect, cognitive and executive function impairment, to play the drums?  Really, if there are any drummers out there, please comment on how you’re working it out.

I started occupational therapy (OT), again; I had it right after the stroke, but right after the stroke, you really don’t know how things are working so, what I thought was a lot back then, is not really enough.  The fine-tuning must continue.

What’s happening in OT is different this time.  I’m at a “Neuro Rehab”, which is different than the rehab I received earlier.  I’m working on my vision, using a technique called “Prism Training”.  It helps your eyes look more toward the right, which is starting to work!  I noticed after the fifth session.  So, I’m pleased.  Five more sessions to go. 

Also in OT, I put together puzzles, not like we do at home, but more like moving the colored blocks into the pattern on the card. I know, it sounds simple, the half of my career was working with numbers and data visualization, this is a challenge!  I will continue to them after OT is over. 

Right after the stroke, my sister, turned me on to an app, “Flow Free”.  I finished all the tasks in about two months, and I still go in and do the daily puzzle.  I say this because the OT recommended this very app.  I also play something called “Tap Away”, which helps a bit with spatial relations.  On last app I’ll mention is “Clock Yourself”, I’ve found this good for balance, executive function, and spatial relations.

So, this morning while practicing the drums, it was so much more comfortable, I am certainly seeing more of the kit which is very helpful.  Also, I’ve only hit myself in the head once since the OT started. 



  1. Does the sound you make, when you strike your head, compliment the drumming or are you too startled to think it through? Just kidding.😊
    Sounds like things are moving along for you. So good for you to have this progress.
    Love you. 🥰 Ann

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