
In January I started working with a trainer three times a week at a gym near my house. I walk there, it’s 1.3 miles from my house.  Of course, the street is scary because the sidewalk is right up against the road and people drive really fast.  But I do it. There and back, I’m getting some cardio, if I get to the gym early, I’ll be on a bike just to get more cardio.  I’m so grateful I have the means to do this.

So, this is my sixth week of working with the trainer.  She’s like five foot tall and is very talkative.  She’s very passionate about her role and I do appreciate it.  She’s got me moving, I’m feeling good. 

This week is very busy, probably one of the busier weeks I’ve had in a while.  My brain is tired.  I had only scheduled two appointments with her this week because I’m headed up to DC on Friday morning.  On Tuesday she texted me asking what is the earliest I can make it to the gym; she’s got something going on.  I give her a time and comes back with another time, which I can’t make. 

I tell her to not worry, just mark me as a no show and I’d see her next week, after all – I don’t want to mess with her income.

She texts me again, I again say I can’t make it.

She texts again, I tell her that I very busy, I have difficulty with time management and this is causing me a lot of stress, and to please mark me as a no show so she gets paid what she was planning to get paid. I think, okay she hasn’t texted  back – matter closed.

Of course, I get up this morning and yet again she has messaged me.

This is fiasco is bringing me back to a time I was in Paris and a saxophonist on the Metro, he was very persistent on getting tips from everyone, so he’d stand next to your seat until you tipped him.  It was pretty funny seeing people whipping out anything just to get him moving along—me being one of them!

So, I reflected on that and schedule three days next week (I’m not back from DC until Tuesday evening). I sent her a text saying I’ve set up three appointments next week and to please just mark me as a no show for today.  I think that finally did the trick.

People just have no idea what goes on for people with strokes.  My mind gets so tired and just changing my schedule wears me out faster than doing what I was scheduled to do.  That is one thing that hasn’t let up, hasn’t recovered as fully as I would like.

But, I’m feeling much better these days, getting some exercise which is giving me some energy, which in turns makes me feel good. 

I’m wondering where to take this blog – or if it’s run it’s course.  If you want to give me some input or suggestions regarding the future of Riding Shotgun After Stroke – by all means, feel free to let me know.


  1. I read every one of your posts with interest and look forward to what you’ll write next. I can’t imagine it’s run its course. Good for you for planning exercise.

  2. It’s a nice place to come and unload the grind of another day. Or it’s a nice place to reflect on your accomplishments… either way I’ll always look forward to reading this blog☮️❤️

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