
Today I noticed a post in a group on Facebook, a woman was saying how she saw her reflection in a window and was shaken by the old lady with the cane.  I can relate to not exactly this, but those jarring moments when we realize we are not the same.

Of course, someone had to pipe up and go with the “You have to focus on the positive, count your blessing…. yada, yada, yada”

I don’t believe I need to tell someone to count their blessings, to look on the bright side, to be grateful.  I feel the person who needs to say this, says it to comfort themselves, or it implies a lack of empathy. 

Sometimes I need to say how I feel, without someone to “cheer me up”.  This is what processing is, being able to identify something, recognize its effect, and say, it out loud to allow room for the next thing.

Sometimes I need to say things out loud just so I can breathe. 

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